Best Abstract and Poster Awards
Published Jun 30, 2023
BioVis concluded its annual event at ISMB/ECCB 2023. Two remarkable projects stood out and were honored with the “Best Abstract Award” and “Best Poster Award.”
Best Abstract Award
Recipient: Kari Lavikka, Ilari Maarala, Jaana Oikkonen, Yilin Li, Alexandra Lahtinen, Sampsa Hautaniemi
Affiliation: University of Helsinki, Finland
Title: Visualizing temporal and multi-regional evolution of tumor subclones with Jellyfish plots
Best Poster Award
Recipient: Felix Offensperger, Markus Joppich, Ralf Zimmer
Affiliation: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
Title: Visualizing (differential) expression patterns with fuzzy concepts as FlowSets
Test-of-Time Award
Recipient: Kenneth Sabir, Christian Stolte, Bruce Tabor, Seán I. O’Donoghue
Title: The Molecular Control Toolkit: Controlling 3D molecular graphics via gesture and voice
Seán’s presentation is available in dropbox.