Call for Participation at the BioVis@ISMB 2019

Call for Participation: BioVis@ISMB/ECCB 2019

Community of Special Interest (COSI) event at ISMB/ECCB 2019
July 22, 2019
Basel, Switzerland

Aims and Scope

The rapidly expanding field of biology creates enormous challenges for data visualization techniques that enable researchers to gain insight from their large and highly complex data sets.

The BioVis Interest Group organizes the interdisciplinary event BioVis, covering all aspects of visualization in biology. This symposium brings together researchers from the visualization, bioinformatics, and biology communities with the purpose of educating, inspiring, and engaging visualization researchers in problems in biological data visualization as well as bioinformatics and biology researchers in state-of-the-art visualization research.

We invite submissions of original research articles as well as poster submissions.

Symposium Format

The symposium will be a one-day single-track event at ISMB/ECCB. It will feature keynotes and invited talks, paper sessions, highlight talks, and posters/demos. Primers will also be given to introduce key topics in visualization research. .


We invite contributions on all aspects of data visualization in biology, from molecular to cell, tissue, organism and population biology. Suggested topics for paper and poster submissions include, but are not limited to:

Submission Types and Criteria

There are several ways participants can contribute to the BioVis program:

1. ISMB/ECCB Proceedings - Submission Deadline: January 28, 2019

Novel, unpublished work can be submitted as a paper to the ISMB/ECCB Proceedings. If accepted, manuscripts will be published in the OUP Journal Bioinformatics. Authors of accepted papers will be required to present their work at the symposium in a talk. Authors of rejected papers will be invited to submit a poster.

Submission Guidelines

Authors are required to submit a full paper by January 28, 2019 at the BioVis submission site, and must adhere to the submission guidelines outlined on that site.

IMPORTANT: During submission please select the general subject of your submissions (the “AREA”), and then make sure to specify BioVis as the “TOPIC” of your submission to ensure your manuscript is assigned to our COSI.

We encourage the use of digital video to enhance paper submissions, particularly if part or all of the work addresses interactive techniques. However, please note that OUP does not support videos as supplementary materials, so you will have to host the video elsewhere (e.g., YouTube).

2. Talks - Submission Deadline: April 11, 2019

Participants are encouraged to submit short abstracts describing their recently published work related to biological data visualization or extended abstracts concerning unpublished work. Submissions will be reviewed by the chairs and by external reviewers. If accepted, participants are required to present their work in a talk at the symposium. Authors of rejected talks will be invited to submit a poster.

Submission Guidelines

Published work: Authors are required to submit a short abstract (250 words) by April 11, 2019. Summaries should include a concise description of the work and may include descriptive figures. The previously published paper must be submitted along with the summary, unless the paper is open access.

Unpublished work: Authors are required to submit an extended abstract (1500 words) by April 11, 2019. The text should include a concise description of the work and have descriptive figures.

3. Posters and demos - Submission Deadline: May 15, 2019

We invite participants to submit work in progress and preliminary results, previously published work from other venues, or visualization challenges to be presented as a poster and/or interactive demo. A selection of these will be invited to give a short talk during the conference.

Submission Guidelines

Authors are required to submit a short abstract (250 words) and a supporting figure by May 15, 2019. Abstracts should include a concise description of an idea, work in progress, preliminary results, visualization challenges, or previously published work presented at other venues that is also relevant for the BioVis community. If the submission is based on previous work, the published paper must be submitted along with the summary, unless the paper is open access.

Poster preparation instructions will be e-mailed to authors of accepted submissions.

Important Dates

See ISMB Key Dates for full details.

Deadlines and Notifications for ISMB/ECCB Proceedings

Submission Deadline : January 28, 2019
Conditional Acceptance Notification: March 6, 2019
Revision Deadline: March 22, 2019
Final Acceptance Notification: April 8, 2019

Deadlines for Talks and Posters/Demos

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 11, 2019
Poster Submission Deadline: May 15, 2019