BioVis Meetup #3: A pandemic of bad charts
We are excited to host Martin Krzywinski (@MKrzywinski). Check Martin’s website for inspiration.
Join us on Tuesday, 24nd of May at 5pm Berlin / 4 pm London / 11am East Coast US / 8 am California / (recording available)
Recording is available on YouTube
Without good practices in data exploration, we cannot have answers. Without good visualization design practices, we cannot have good explanations of these answers. Good answers and good visual explanations inform us. In a pandemic, they save us.
Through redesigning pandemic data visualizations from the media, I’ll demonstrate easy-to-follow practical guidelines that will help you untangle your complex charts and clarify your explanations.
Martin Krzywinski is known for his work in bioinformatics, data visualization and the interface of science and art. He applies design, both data and artistic, to assist discovery, explanation and engagement with scientific data and concepts. His information graphics have appeared in the New York Times, Wired, and Scientific American and on covers of numerous books and scientific journals such as Science and Nature. He is the co-author of Nature Method’s Points of View and Points of Significance columns and the former owner of the world’s most popular rat.
Future and past events
- BioVis Meetup #8: A picture of health: Visualisations in medical publishing Sep 18, 2024
- BioVis Meetup #7: Harmonizing Life's Symphony with Dr. Kay Nieselt! Feb 21, 2024
- BioVis Meetup #6: Communicating Scientific Concepts Through Art Jan 31, 2023
- BioVis Meetup #5: Visualising science: Communicating complex research with information graphics at Nature Nov 29, 2022
- BioVis Meetup #4: Surgery visualizations: leveraging AI in the healthcare setting Sep 27, 2022
- BioVis Meetup 2022/2023 Sep 26, 2022
- BioVis Meetup #3: A pandemic of bad charts May 24, 2022
- BioVis Meetup #2: Visualisation of Spatial and Image Data Mar 22, 2022
- BioVis Meetup #1: Changing the world with data visualization Jan 25, 2022