Highlights from BioVIs@COSI
Published Jul 15, 2024
This year’s BioVis meeting was a great success. The keynote talks were well-received by the community and we are thrilled to announce the winner of this year’s BioVis abstract award. We also had a fantastic turnout for the dinner, allowing everyone to connect and share ideas. We are already looking forward to next year. Stay tuned for updates, and we hope to see you there!
Key Notes
When Visualization Meets AI: Exploring Opportunities
Melanie Tory, The Roux Institute, Northeastern University
Visualization and AI are increasingly intertwined. AI is being employed to enhance visualization design and to simplify interaction with data. Meanwhile, visualization can help people interpret and debug AI models, whether they are AI modelers or end users. Yet opportunities at the intersection of AI and visualization are in their infancy. This talk will explore the opportunity space in two directions: AI-for-VIS and VIS-for-AI, drawing on existing examples including my own research on natural language interaction, visualization recommendations, and medical applications.
The Insight’s in the Details: Challenges and Opportunities for BioVis Software Tools
Fritz Lekschas, Ozette Technologies
Biological data visualizations often deal with datasets resulting from complex analytical workflows or large-scale experiments. These aspects complicate visual exploration, as insights are frequently found in the details. To surface these insights effectively, BioVis software tools must address several key challenges: integrating closely with computation and data, being composable, scaling to the task, and offering bi-directional interactions for AI/ML guidance. Fortunately, software best-practices and new frameworks make it easier than ever to overcome these challenges. In this talk, Fritz Lekschas will discuss these practices and frameworks using examples from his research in genomics and single-cell biology and the broader BioVis community.
Best Abstract Award
This year BioVis was showcasing outstanding content and numerous impressive works. One abstract, in particular, stood out and was honored with the “Best Abstract Award.”
PRIMAVO: Precision Immune Monitoring Assay Visualization Online
Recipients: Osho Rawal, Edgar Gonzalez-Kozlova, Sacha Gnjatic, Zeynep H. Gümüş
Affiliation: Icahn School Of Medicine At Mount Sinai, United States
Award Committee Members:
Liz Marai, University of Illinois at Chicago
Daniel Jönsson, Linköping University

Social Events
Here is one of the pictures we took during the dinner, but if you have more please share it with us.

What’s Next
For more information and updates on our upcoming events, visit our website or follow us on social media.