Online meetup of the BioVis community

Discuss topics intersecting biology,
medicine & visualisation research.


BioVis Meetup #5: Visualising science: Communicating complex research with information graphics at Nature

We are pleased to announce BioVis #5!


Join us Nov 29 at 5 pm Berlin / 4 pm London / 11am East Coast US / 8 am California /

Visualising science: communicating complex research with information graphics at Nature with:
Nik Spencer – Art editor, Nature
Jasiek Krzysztofiak – Art Editor, Nature

Abstract: The presentation will discuss how the main concepts of research papers are identified to produce concise, informative graphics aimed at non-specialist readers for Nature News & Views articles. Drafts submitted by authors will be considered and assessed, followed by a summary of the process involved in adapting and developing the ideas into figures for publication. There will be an overview of the core principles of Nature graphic style, how this is applied to determine figure content and design, and how this style is used to highlight key points in the research.


Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 860 7864 3977
Passcode: T3ht0M#!

All recordings are available on YouTube.

Questions & Suggestions

We are happy if you get in touch with Heba Sailem and Helena Jambor (helena.jambor - at -

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